lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2012

English language Challenges

Hello my dear friend!
I will today talk about the english language challenges and this will be the last post because this is my last level of english in the university  and this be the last post for the class. To go I should said that my experiencie with the english in the university has been very profitable, I have learned very much  about vocabulary, gramatic and pronunciation. I think that the english is a subject very until for the world of knowledge of today because largely of the ideas, studies, and book come from “anglosajon” contries. Well other view relevant for me about this lenguage is that largely of the music that I listen is in this lenguage and learned about this lenguage permit me understand that the say, in this sense the english for me not is unsavory for learned also that my girlfriend studies this and we plan in the near future to visit a country w here they speak this language so that learned english for me is very until and entertaining.

Well on the other hand i should recognize that I dont have many skills for this english overcoat regard to listening and pronunciation, for me it very difficult this scopes of english so that I need very much practice for to learn, my plan for do this is listening more music in english carefully, too see the movies with subtitules and speak with my girlfriend, I think that the summer days I could do this because I will have more free time. Finally I think that in a few year I will take with my sister a course of english because If well I need many practices I like visit a countris “anglosajon” for to go to study some post graduate in psychology.

Thank´s for reading
 Goodbye :3

domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2012


Hello everybody! in the day of today I will write about the discrimination, a  topic very interesting for me because is a human phenomenon that is very present in the themes of the contingency and therefore is a topic that the social sciencie to treaty. 

Well, specifically to order of this post is wonder about ¿What do we need to stop discrimination? Why do people discriminate? And ¿How do we discriminate and how we can change it?

To begin I found two definitions of discrimination to the oxford :
1) The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.

2)The ability to distinguish between different stimuli.

In relation this post the first definition is more relevant but however the second definition  too I permit me generate to opinion, well I think that in we live to discrimination is a phenom very present and we do at all times, If we understand discrimination how ability to distinguish continually we are doing. This is a behavior that allows us to adapt to circumstances, for example for to form friendship we choose only some and let other side in this sense we discriminate and prefer some over others or imagine this problem: you have two apple and you can give this to two people different that not know maybe you evalues for who has more face hunger I think that to evaluate already discriminating. In this sense always we to discriminate but however this topic becomes to making a problem when the differentiation harm an individual or group, when we treat others for our race, sex, orientation sexual and we ridicule, denigrate or we make a judgment just by appearance, race, creed.  I think that this occurs fundamentally because we like human through evolutionary history discriminate needed to adapt. For another point and more relation to first definition I think that we should wonder when do not discriminate that's what we do? Maybe at that point is the answer to generate less discrimination.
Well that was for today!


lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2012

My future Job

Hello everybody! Today I will write about my future job.
First I should said that I not yet decide definitely for the field to which I will dedicate in the future, however I've thought choose beetwen three field, these are: clinical psychology, organizational psychology and educational psychology, but for purposes of this entry I decide for clinical psychology.

In relation to major for the nonce I'm torn between two, these are: adult clinical psychology and quantitative methodology, I`ve think in these two choice because on the one hand I want have to experiencie of the meet patient, I’d love to achieve understanding individuals and their psychological problems to help them solve, problematized and generate greater welfare in their lives, moreover I think take quantitative methodology because this I help my to investigate the problems to mode eficient and useful, I think that this methodology is useful like tool for to investigate and this permit me for example; applying therapies, assess what type of intervention is more effective in other. When I think that kind of job I would like have I imagine in a box of psychology consultation and in a laboratory or other space to investigate. I will like these two kind of job because I think that a work ideal incorporates as a experiencia as theory.

The aspects that I would consider for choosing my future job are: A good work atmosphere because If I attend a particular way I have to liberty for determine my horary, and too a salary that permit me continue studies and perfecting in this field.

Finally If I was asked a interview for a job about my strengths and weaknesse, that I will said that my strengths are to be a flexible person, easily adapting to circumstances, open to new experiences involving greater learning and in relation to my weaknesse I would said that a person very thoughtful and sometimes it paralyzes me make decisions.

A foreign Country